Have a nice day, my dear friends,
Thank you for your interest in the website skolachannelingu.cz. Reading these lines, you are certainly concerned by the way in which we manage your personal. Let’s have a look at this matter.
Your personal data is administered by: Lucie Alferi, Zapova 1209/4, 150 00 Id.No.: 88844404. I am occupying the position of your personal data administrator, defining the way, purpose and time period of its administration. I choose further possible administrators, who help me with data processing.
How can you contact me?
We take care for our web visitors with love. If you have any questions or objections, please contact our customer support at the e-mail address: luciealferi@gmail.com
Your personal data, which you have entrusted us, we process ourselves, namely due to the following reasons (to fulfil the following purposes):
Online broadcast organization, providing services, accomplishment of agreement
Your e-mail address is necessary to secure organization of our online broadcasting and providing access to our electronic products and services. If you order some of our electronic products or services, we need to dispose of your e-mail address for the purpose of agreement performance, so that we might create access to the member section for you.
If you order some of the products or services from our offer, we need to dispose of your personal data (invoicing data) in order to comply with the legal obligation connected with tax document issuing and evidence.
Marketing – sending newsletters (bulletins)
Your personal data (e-mail and name), sex, information about what you click upon in e-mail and at what time you open it most often – this information we use for the direct marketing purposes – sending business reports. If you are our customer, we do so due to a legitimate interest, for we suppose reasonably that you are interested in our news; namely for a period of five years after your last order.
If we find out interesting creative results of someone else, it will be a pleasure for us to offer you his work in e-mail. In both cases, you may cancel your consent using the unsubscribing reference, which is stated in each of the sent e-mails.
Photos and video records from the courses
During some of our live undertakings – trainings, lectures or seminaries – we make photo documentation or video records. We use the photos in our promotional materials, above all on web. Video records serve to the online course participants to look at. With these materials, you will never find names of participants, except for reference cases based upon consent. If you do not wish to be captured on the records, please let us know within our contact dates before the live action concerned is organized.
We keep your personal data during a limited time period, unless the Law stipulates a longer time for preserving the data and unless we have stated something else for concrete cases.
In connection with your browsing our websites, we record your IP address, the time you spend following the website and, as well, from which website you have come. We hold using cookies to measure attendance of our website and adaptation of websites display for our legitimate interest, for we believe that this may contribute to enhance quality of services which we offer you.
Cookies for the purpose of targeting of our publicity will be processed only on the basis of your consent.
You may also browse our websites in a way not enabling to collect personal data. You may prohibit using cookies on your computer in internet browser.
Handing over personal data to third parties.
It is our co-workers bound by silence and trained in the sphere of personal data processing security, who have access to your personal data. We are able to perform majority of processing activities ourselves and we do not need any help provided by third parties for it.
To secure some concrete processing operations, which we are not able to secure ourselves, we use services and applications of processors specialized in the processing in question and being in compliance with GDPR.
To be concrete, it is the providers of following platforms and services:
ACTIVE 24, s.r.o.Sokolovská 394/17, 186 00 IČO: 25115804 DIČ: CZ25115804 Prague 8 – hosting and server service provider
SmartSelling a.s., Netroufalky 797/5, 625 00 Brno, Česká republika, DIČ: CZ29210372 – large-scale e-mail distribution tool
FAPI SmartSelling a.s., Netroufalky 797/5, 625 00 Brno, Česká republika, DIČ: CZ29210372 – automatic invoices
Personal data securing and protection
We protect personal data as much as possible by means of modern technologies, which correspond to the level of technical development. We protect the data just our own data. We have adopted and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organizational measures hampering misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.
Handing over data outside EU
We process the data exclusively within European Union or in such countries, which secure corresponding level of protection on the basis of stipulation of European Committee.
Your rights in connection with personal data protection
In connection with personal data protection, you dispose of many rights. If you wish to use some of these rights, please contact us by means of e-mail: podpora@placenzaexistenci.cz.
You have right to information, which is accomplished by means of this website including information upon personal data processing principles.
Thanks to your right to access, you may challenge us at any time and we will document, within a period of 30 days, what types of your personal data we process and why.
If there is some change with you or if you find your personal data non-current or incomplete, then you have a right to completion or to change of your personal data.
You may use your Processing restriction right if you think that we process your inexact data, or, maybe, you think that we perform data processing illegally, but you do not wish to delete all the data or, as the case may be, if you raise an objection against processing. You may restrict the extent of personal data or of purposes of processing. (E.g. by unsubscribing from newsletter, you restrict processing purpose for business report sending.)
Right to transfer
If you wish to take your personal data and to transfer it to someone else, we will proceed in the same way as in case of use right to access, just with one difference that we would deliver you the information in machine-readable form. In this case we need at least 30 days.
Right to deletion (to be forgotten)
A further right of yours is the right to deletion – to be forgotten. We do not want to forget you, of course, but you have a right to it if you wish. In such a case we will delete all your personal data both from our system and from the systems of all partial processor companies and backups will then be deleted at the same time. We need 30 days to accomplish your right to deletion.
In some cases, we are bound by a legal obligation and e.g. we are obliged to register the issued tax documents during a period stipulated by Law. Thus, in such a case, we will delete all such personal data, which are not bound by any other law. After the deletion has been finished, we will inform you by e-mail.
Complaint with Personal Data Protection Authority
Should you have a feeling that we do not manage your personal data in compliance with law, you have a right to address yourself with your complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority at any time. We will be happy if you contact us first in case of such a suspicion, so that we might do something about it and correct the possible error.
Unsubscribing from sending newsletters and business reports.
We send you e-mails with inspiration, articles or products and services, if you are our customer or, as the case may be, on the basis of our entitled interest. You may unsubscribe by means of an unsubscribing reference, which is stated in each e-mail.
We would like to reassure you about the fact that our employees, co-workers and processors who will process your personal data, are bound by confidentiality obligation as for personal data and security measures, publication of which might endanger security of your personal data. Your personal data shall not be handed over to any other third person without your consent. These personal data processing principles are valid since May 24, 2018. In case of any change to our personal data processing principles, the new wording of these principles will be stated at the address. You may look at that website at any time, when you wish to see current wording of our Personal data processing principles.
Thank you for your trust
Lucie Alferi
School of Channeling founder